Kyll - Rodcrackers On Tour
by Stephan Dombaj
could be worse... a nice 40+ grayling on a 2weight Opti Creek
After a few commonsize trouts... a sweet brute crushed on my tiny nymph (0,12mm tippet) 53cm - sweet Brownie!
Another Grayling:
Sweet Bow:
Rising Fish - got a couple of these (more Pics of them lateron)
get a rise
another little brownie
a fatty grayling underneath the bridge
Back at home - castingsession with Paulo
That´s right bitch!!!
by Stephan Dombaj
As far as troutfishing is concerned, ultra light tackle gives me more of a kick than conventional line classes. A 2weight flyrod is - in my eyes - not only the perfect tool for small streams and creeks but also the perfect compromise when it comes to a variety of flies of diffrent sizes and weights. Okay, a freaking big Salmon Jig isn´t fun casting, but fortunatly we are more or less blessed with some quite small and delicate patterns. Due to the action of this lightweight rods we can go for bigger and spooky salmonides with very thin leaders, which can be heavyweight argument for dries. Check out this small pictureseries - I went alone for a couple of hours, so some shots are pretty much fucked up.
First cast - first fish:
could be worse... a nice 40+ grayling on a 2weight Opti Creek
After a few commonsize trouts... a sweet brute crushed on my tiny nymph (0,12mm tippet) 53cm - sweet Brownie!
Another Grayling:
Sweet Bow:
Rising Fish - got a couple of these (more Pics of them lateron)
get a rise
another little brownie
a fatty grayling underneath the bridge
Back at home - castingsession with Paulo
That´s right bitch!!!