Friday, August 1, 2008

Anna Sjöberg

Considering being raised in Lappland, Sweden, near so many great rivers and lakes I must say I was a bit of a slow starter.

Not until I left the north and was living in Stockholm I tried flyfishing for the first time and in an instant I found what had been missing all my life! I finally understood what would be the highlight in my life.

Fishing has always been a common activity in my family, summers spent in a small lake-by cottage fishing for pike and perch, but that gene that make you stand casting for hours, asking questions to improve your knowledge or simply just dream about that special place, with that great fishing. That gene must have been sleeping a beautysleep during my childhood. I just didn´t understand it all by then. Although, a beautysleep makes it more powerful afterwards. Once woken it sure got the hold of me and totally changed my life!

It´s now five years since I first tried flyfishing, and my interest has gradually gone from modest to almost obsessive. I now consider myself working fulltime in sales with my “normal” job and fulltime in fishing. In between I try to maintain a normal familylife, with my husband and a daughter who I´m slowly trying to bring into this fishing-maniac-world.

As always, the time for fishing is too short, the days with the rod too few. I try to do as much fishing as possible, best of all in a small river up north, watching that dryfly dancing in front of a big greyling or trout waiting for success. If not up north, I gladly try fishing where ever possible. I still consider myself a rookie, but eager to learn, and taking every chance to improve.