Sunday, October 25, 2009


by Stephan Dombaj
feat.: Nikolai Prietl
& Matthias Burget

A crystalclear coldwater-lake with giants shades close to the small island inbetween and three guys in floating tubes or pontoon boats, rigged up 6 and 8weights in their hands, ready for their run. This scene could be easily found in some imaginary saltwater areas, but the landscape reveals that we´re drifting on a lake right in Austrian´s lap. Once again... to slam down European Carp´s brother from another mother: The Amurcarp or Asian-Carp.

(Searching for shades)

During the trip we had to learn the diffrence of fighting an Amur from the shore and fighting the fish from a boat. Since this fish reacts very well on pressure directions we had massive problems lifting these tremendous fighters from the ground
. Amur is a very spooky fish, especally in clear waters - long leader with a fluocarbon tippet are very helpfull then.

(Sightfishing for Amur)

The following footage is supposed to be a visual appetizer for a possible fight of your life. Once you are "attached" to such a fish (in a coldwater-lake) you´ll get to know if your dragsystem is built to resist. Check this out:

(693 Loop Opti Coast)

(First encounter)

(Niko tortures his rod)

(7minutes full power)


(A decent carp)

(See you soon)

(Yeah, Baby - Hookup)

(Get bend)


(After 12min)

(After 14min)


(Happy landing)




(Mission accomplished)

(Catch &...)


(Uhhh - got the wrong shade)

(Niko's Amur)